Blogs » Entertainment » Despite the large number of strong Legendary Aspects

Despite the large number of strong Legendary Aspects

  • Despite the large number of strong Legendary Aspects fighting for the weapon slots in Rogue builds D2R ladder items, it's worth considering using Asheara's Khanjar. This dagger really only works in melee builds, since ranged ones won't benefit as much from its effect.

    However, Asheara's Khanjar will drastically increase your Attack Speed as long as you are continuously attacking. When used with skills like Flurry that already have high Attack Speed, this bonus will quickly stack up. In prolonged fights, like against bosses, the value of Asheara's Khanjar only increases.

    Condemnation: Your Core Skills deal 20% increased damage when spending 3 Combo Points. Your Basic Skills using this weapon have a 30% chance to generate 3 Combo Points.

    In builds that utilize the Rogue's Combo Point Specialization, Condemnation is one of the best weapons you can have. This weapon makes one of the Rogue's best Specializations even better by making it easier to build Combo Points, and makes the damage of your Combo Point spenders even stronger.

    In builds that utilize fast-paced Combo Point generators and spenders like Puncture and Flurry cheap d2r items, the bonus of Condemnation is even more prominent, and can provide a high damage boost to your highest damage skills.